The continuing story of a Fat Man, gone to the bush

Upping the Ante

This week I have seriously started to up the ante on both diet and activity.  In addition to the near on hourly walks around the block, I have also started to take lunch time walks (weather and schedule permitting) up around the Wellington Botanical Gardens.  I managed to do two walks up there this week on Monday and Tuesday.  Work and life interferred the rest of the week.

I used to walk around the Botanic Gardens a fair bit in past years, so it was really nice to get back up there.   View from up Hutt Valley from Botanic GardensThere are alot of meandering paths around the hills there to take and explore, and looking a map of the gardens I haven’t been to about two-thirds of places there.  So I am looking forward to spending more time up there exploring.  And on a nice day it is a really lovely place to be.  Winter it isn’t so pretty, but it will be spring soon so there will be lots of nice pretty flowers.  This week the weather has been (at times) beautiful, so had nice views of the harbour and up the Hutt Valley.

I’ve also subscribed to Fitbit premimum, because it has some cool reports, and I am a sucker for such things.  Fitbit has actually been fantastic and motivating me to get up and about and active.  Especially now I am logging my eating in it as well (Fitbit Inc. is getting all my health data now ).  And my eating has been pretty good the past week.  Although it started bad with me having some old friends around for dinner, so I cooked up and storm and over ate.  I also experimented with McDonalds last Saturday to see the affect a Big Mac w/ Steak Mince n Cheese Combo.  Not pretty.  Won’t do that again for a while.

Didn’t even enjoy it that much.

What I did like was the Italian Meat Ball and Mozzerella Pie from Z Energy, pie of the week.  I decided life isn’t worth living if I didn’t have that pie in my gob.  That happened yesterday, so I skipped lunch and dinner and no damage done :-)

I bought new replacement scales (although my brother insists that the other ones aren’t broken . . . whatever)  So far, after 4.75 weeks of my “try not to eat” diet I have lost 18 kg.  Have to say, it feels pretty good.  Kate Moss was right.  Still a long long long way to go, but I am actually optimistic that it might be achievable.  A non-fat Jordan, can you even fathom such a thing?  I am also not struggling with the hunger so much.  I am kind of hungry all the time, but not flat out starving.  I am actually starting to enjoy the hunger, it feels good.

So an update:  at the (near) end of week 17 of The Plan™ I have walked a total of 334.4 km in 80 hrs 35 mins.  That is an efficacy of 100%!  Yea!  I’m glad to be back in the black after the Mangatepopo Slump.

4 weeks until a go/no go decision on the Milford Track (i.e. I pay for the tickets).  Gotta  say it is looking positive.


  1. Judy

    Hey Jordan
    Well done. You’re a real inspiration. Keep it up. Looking forward to seeing some great photos of the Milford Track later on.

  2. Penny


    I was on the blogtown site considering using them to start a blog – in an unrelated field! Thought I would look at existing blogs and see what they were like. I have just read through your entire blog (yes I should have been paying attention to my children, dishes, dinner etc but that can wait) I didn’t intend to, but your journey so far impressed me!

    Well done on what you have done so far! I am an Auckland dwelling Wellingtonian so the places you talk about I have been to and seen many times.

    Ask a “Fat chick” who needs to get off her bum, and has been thinking about it for a while, I think your blog might have just inspired me to do just that. I know all too well the same feelings of quitting and the signs you point out and you have been recognising them and getting on with it.

    I have marked your blog and will continue to follow your progress – one idea that occoured to me and could count as a positive reinforcement – pick one of your first mini hikes in Belmont and do it again to compare the difference!

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Penny! I really appreciate the encouragement, I’m sorry to hear about you having to suffer by living in Auckland. I have been thinking of heading back to Belmont to do some of those walks, but want to wait till summer I think, not keen on the muddy conditions I expect there at the moment.
      Thanks for reading, now go do the dishes . . . :-)

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