The continuing story of a Fat Man, gone to the bush


Hello!  Thanks for dropping into my blog.

My name is Jordan Setters and this blog is a chronicle of my attempts at preparing to walk the Milford Track, in Fiordland, New Zealand.

milford map Milford-Track_elevation-profile_web

As you probably guessed from the blog title, I am not a small man, checking in at 187 kg at last weigh-in (c. Dec. ’14).  Although wickedly fat, I am none-the-less relatively healthy and surprisingly fit (for a fat man).

In March 2015 I set myself a goal that I would walk the Milford Track in a years time.  Then laid out a plan (hereby known as The Plan™) to condition myself for the task.  Even made a spreadsheet.  It’s a plan of daily walking, progressively increasing distance and load carried.  It is also somewhat arbitrary.

My major challenges are:

  1. Laziness – you don’t get to be my size by having a “get out and do it” attitude to life.
  2. Knees – carrying this much weight is rough on the knees, especially going down hill
  3. Defeatest attitude- see #1

I will endeavour to overcome these challenges and more.  And along the way bore you all with my mindless rambling and oft complaint ridden updates.  So click on “The Continuing Saga” to see all the posts.


(or not, it’s up to you)


  1. Aletheia

    Woo Hoo!!!! :)

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      More “what an idiot” than “Woo Hoo” at the moment. But thanks Lei!

    • Aletheia

      You can do it… You can do anything you set your mind to doing. I miss hiking in Zimbabwe’s Chimanimani mountains. Was sometimes up there days and nights bush bashing. I find myself struggling to get just up the stairs now… Good for you…

  2. Fiona

    Day 2 looks like the killer. Good on you. I’m doing a similar journey. Having knocked off the Heaphy I only have another 8 of the Great Walks to knock off before my feet/legs wear out, or I get too old :-)

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Every day but day 1 is going to kill me. I am already ahead of you on the great walks. I’ve already knocked off the Tongariro Northern Circuit, Wanganui Journey, and Waikaremoana – all in my teens though (apart from Tongariro I did at 11 or 12).

  3. Pat

    Very cool! Really good to see you today. You definitely are looking leaner so lots of muscles developing I would say … Pat

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Pat. I ceratinly hope so! Better than more fat developing.

  4. Priscilla Hutchins
    Priscilla Hutchins

    Hi Jordan, what an inspiration, Alethea mentioned your story, we grew up together in Mutare Zimbabwe. I too am on quite a journey!! Look me up on fb

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Priscilla:-)
      I would look it up but i’m not on FB.

  5. Nick&Kat

    Wow what an awesome goal!!
    I love knowing I’m surrounded by people like you Jordan that are motivated and put yourself out there and letting others know you can achieve anything and you can be who ever you wanna be!!
    Good honest attitude!!

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Kat!

  6. Claire

    Excellent blog Jordan :-) Keep up the hiking when in Germany and Lux. Put up some pics from the Black Forest!!!

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Claire, I will do a post on my litle walk in the B. Forest soon.

  7. Brian Girdlestone
    Brian Girdlestone

    Hi Jordon

    Good on you and what a great challenge for you I know you will do it and some others.

    As i said you will love the Milford and you do not have to rush.

    Worth reading two Books also

    Why we get fat by Gary Taubes

    How Not to Die by Michael Gregor

    some amazing scientific research which will help.

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Brian. I will give those books a look. It was good chatting with you today.

      All the best.

  8. Judy Oberhumer
    Judy Oberhumer

    Knew you would nail that last wet day, the option of doing anything else was minimal.
    So proud to have watched you do it, ‘The Mums’ we’re on the first boat out of Sandfly Point and all of us on the boat wished we could have been there to see you complete the walk.
    Good luck for the next challenge whatever it may be.

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Judy! I really appreciate all the help and encouragement you and all the others that were there at the same time as me. I was really blessed to be walking the track with such a great group of people.

  9. Caroline (Podiatrist)
    Caroline (Podiatrist)

    Well done Jordan you did amazing!!! :)

  10. Roz Paddy
    Roz Paddy

    Well Done Jordan/Jeremy/Jon or every name that you responded to!!!
    As Judy said, we all wished we were there to see you finish the tramp. What a great achievement for you and even for me as that was the last of the great walks that I completed too, so a big day for everyone! I hope you continue on your quest to continue doing some great walks and remaining healthy in life. Keep up the good work… “The Mums” had a great time and we had a great bunch of friendly travellers doing the same thing…

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks Roz! I’m glad you had a great time. We did have a great bunch on the track with us.

  11. Ruth McManus
    Ruth McManus

    Hey Jordan
    We were fellow travelers on the Milford with you. Your feat is a great inspiration. I’m glad we got to walk alongside you and keep blogging – where’s the next great walk? Ruth ( the scotswoman)

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Thanks for the support Ruth. I enjoyed your encouragement along the track. Not sure where the next great walk is. Still mulling it over.

  12. Frances

    Hey Mr Hiker
    Are you still hiking? I hope so! If so keep writing! Your blog is fun.

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Hey Frances,

      Thanks for your comment. I didn’t think anyone was finding this blog anymore – I certainly aren’t :-) I haven’t been doing any hiking. To make along story boring I have suffered health issues which lead to lazy issues, which lead to more fat issues. I need to start a real road to recovery and mobility again, but oh the pain (you got me on a bad knee day).

      I looked at your blog, that looks awesome and full on. You are certainly an accomplished hiker! My boots off to you!

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