I am particularly disgruntled with my performance and results over the past two weeks.  I have lost my mojo somewhat (not referring to the one across the road from work . . . sorry, that was very droll) and need to get it back.  So I am challenging myself to walk 12 km a day for the rest of this week (it would have been every day this week, but Sunday has already passed, so . . . meh!).  That will force me to make sure I go out at lunch time, and also make it out for a walk when I get home, and will effectively double the average distance per day I am trying for.

To make it even more effective I will try to keep my daily calorie intake to below 1000 . . . ok . . . 1200.

“Craziness!”  I hear you exclaim.  I tend to agree, so I am not that hung up on that last aspect.

This  hopefully will be how Jordan gets his groove back.