The most challenging period of my weightloss drive has arrived.  This is the time which has skuttled my previous three attempts at losing weight; 2011, 2012, 2014 – all started in June / July.  All ended on the great scrap heap of . . .

Wellington on a Plate

(dum dum dum dah!!!!)

I’ve been in this situation before.  I have been getting my eating and diet under control.  Suffering withdrawals from the amazing food I would normally go out for, then WOAP hits.  All of a sudden I can’t resist the great lunch deals going on at all of Wellington’s wonderful restaurants.   I get completely sucked into the Burger Wellington competition where local restaurants compete to come up with the best burger ideas.  And man they have some good ones.

And how do I resist going to some of the events!?  I could degustation myself into happy oblivion over the next two weeks.  It would be awesome.  And then there is six course of cheese!



Lord help me!!