The continuing story of a Fat Man, gone to the bush

End of Phase 1

I just made my booking for the Milford Track.  No backing out now.

Last week was the end of Phase 1 of The Plan™.  Phase 1 (for those that can’t remember / didn’t actually read) was a 20 week assessment and conditioning period which started on 22nd March ’15 to 8th August ’15.  And I am more than happy with what I have accomplished in those 20 weeks.  I am in such a better position than when I started, I feel a lot better, far more confident and energetic.  Walking is a great deal easier than at the start, where my body complained and hurt in various places; now I ‘happily’ walk 8 km a day and sometimes think I should be doing more.  So I am excited about the months to come and what I can accomplish in those; and how much of a different person I will be at the end of it all.

To date I have waked an accumulated total of 500.4 km in 117 hours and 3 minutes.  I have also lost a total of 27 kg over the last 8 weeks.

My booking confirmation.

My booking confirmation.

I have booked the Milford Track walk for 31st March ’16 (just reaching my “March next year” goal!).

So I have 33 ½ weeks to complete my preparations.  I haven’t The Planned™ out phase 2 yet, so I will be giving that some thought.  It will probably be just more walking.  I know I want to return to Ruapehu on Boxing Day this year to do another overnight walk.  I am considering loading up my pack and leaving it at work to carry up and down on my Botanical Garden lunches.  And I want to start in the near future weekly walks up and down Mt. Kaukau (it’s a bit steep).  But these are more ideas than a plan at this stage.

In other awesome news!  I got my first shirt from the awesome guys at Earth Sea Sky last week.  It’s great! Fits well, feels really comfortable, and is stunningly warm and light.

So everything is coming up Jordan at the moment.  Oh yeah!

1 Comment

  1. Aletheia


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