I think that this blog is decending into becoming a boring fitness and weightloss blog. I am not really posting about interesting walks or anything at the moment, and that is not what my legion of blog followers come here for. So I apologise.
But that is the problem at the moment. I am thinking of this particular phase of my Track Training as a bit of a hard graft and slog-it-out phase, rather than doing anything really interesting. And slog it out I have been doing. I have raised my activity levels by 38% in the past week (these are the fascinating facts that Fitbit provides me). This is mostly due to doing laps of the two blocks around work nearly every hour during the working day, and partly because The Plan™ now demands that I be walking 5 km a day. This has turned out to be 6.5 – 8 km a day as now I can’t get by on just the walk to and from the car to work and have to go out in the evenings, where there isn’t a nice 1 km circuit, so end up doing 2 km and yesterday, 4 km.
But now I think I am overdoing it. I am getting pains and niggles in my feet and feels like I pulled a quad. Still I slog on.
The weather is also turned quite cold. Yesterday there was sleet falling on me while walking, and snow on the hills across the valley.
But it’s nice to see pretty sunsets and (at night) the stars can be spectacular.
My change of diet continues unabated, and I am quietly proud of myself that I am sticking to it so well. Almost obsessively. I think I can understand how people become anorexic. It is easy to start trying to outdo the previous days calorie (or under-do . . . not sure the right word there). I found myself doing that this week and trying to eat less than 1000 calories a day, and maximise the activity for the day so that the calorie deficit is larger. Graphs like this don’t help me either. So I have to make a conscious effort to eat something more (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, like that is hard).
I’ve also been battling with inappropriate and unfamiliar feelings of positivity and optimism. So have written derogatory sayings and insults on my bathroom mirrors to that I don’t think more of myself than I ought. Take that self-esteem!
An update on the progress of The Plan™. Half way through week 16 I have trudged a total of 290.1 km in 70 hrs 47 mins.
My bathroom scales have broken so I don’t know if I am still losing weight. But more clothes are fitting me that stopped fitting a while ago, so, yay!
‘Still I slog on.’ Lol. At this rate you’ll be taking up RUNNING next.
…just kidding!

Wow, -really proud of you. And as for ‘feelings of positivity and optimism’. I would revel in them if I were you because some a-shole will try to knock you back sometime as is their nature. Don’t be that a-shole.