So dieting sucks. I remember now why I don’t do it very well. And it’s only day two of . . . well . . . the rest of my life (please God! Let it be short).
Yesterday I kicked off the “gotta lose weight by not eating like a fat pig” diet in order to get to the required (by me) 50 kg of weight loss before the Milford Track (presumably next March). I’ve turned to my Fitbit® to help me in this endeavour. I know from previous ‘successful’ weight loss campaigns that calorie counting and food journaling works well for me, but instead of dusting off my old bespoke spreadsheet, I thought I would try Fitbit’s food tracking option.
First I had to step through its wizard. “How much do you want to lose?” – 50 kg “How difficult do you want to make it? . . . at first I clicked “Easy” and it tells me I’ll get to my goal weight sometime in 2025. Eventually I have to select “Hardest” where I am shooting for a 1000 calorie a day deficit. That gets me to my goal in July 2016 – meh, close enough.
So now Fitbit it gives me a nice little graphic showing how much I have eaten and how much I have left to eat each day, and it’s dynamic! It changes depending on my level of activity. Smart! Yesterday I went under goal by 1560 calories (thats 6527 kj)
And that was after a bit of a “toast, butter, and salmon pâté” bender last night.
I’m starting to research ‘friends of Anna” websites to get ideas because those guys know about not eating. I’m sure there is something they can teach me.
Last week was also a bit of a bust as far as adherence to The Plan™ went. I can blame it on work (lunches) and friends (child minding duties) and weather (sucked), but really it was just more inertia from me. I’ve lost a wee bit of focus, and the lack of a short term goal doesn’t help. However I am struggling to come up with a decent short termer. I could dream up another hike, but in winter it is not an attractive proposition. I think I am starting to enter a more “hard slog and determination” phase of The Plan™ and just need to suck it up and get on with it.
While constantly thinking about food . . . Mmmmmmmm . . . food.
Good luck with the dieting… I’m trying to put on weight… -don’t hate me!!!
(Got your letter… Thank you!!! Have one half written now a month old).