The continuing story of a Fat Man, gone to the bush

Sick, Slack, and Sad

(some people think alliteration is silly, superficial, and simpleminded, but I say they are stupid)

Things haven’t been going all that well this past week as far as the The Plan™ is concerned.  Firstly I came down quite ill on Tuesday.  That knocked me down for at least 3 days.  After that I just didn’t feel like walking, so ended up having a really slack week. I did have an idea to go for a 10 km walk around the river, but just didn’t.

When it comes to quitting I am generally considered a world champion.  If quitting were an Olympic event, I wouldn’t win – I would have quit before getting there.  So knowing this I could see the danger signs coming, so made sure I went out for a walk on Sunday afternoon.  I just did 4 km around home, and I did it without a pack, which surprised me how easy it was to walk without a weight on my back.  So I am starting to get back on The Plan™.

It has also come to my attention that I will probably have to lose around 50 kg before I can effectively do the Milford Track.  It has also come to my attention (due to a visit to the Doctor the other week) that I have put on 5 kg in the past 5 months.  Damn it!!  It is time to really get serious about this – next week (because everyone knows that diets that start next week are more effective).

So an update on the plan at the beginning of Week 12 of The Plan™ I have walked 200.8 km in 51 hours and 27 minutes, running at about 95% adherence to the plan.  That is low because of last week, so I will see what I can do this week to get that back up.

I’m also considering ways that I can get more exercise into my program; maybe some swimming, maybe starting to cycle to work again.  But I am a little reluctant to do too much and overdo it, causing the aforementioned “quit reflex” to kick in.  It is also why I haven’t attempted to change my diet considerably; I just wanted to focus on getting the walking habit underway; 12 weeks in it might be time.

1 Comment

  1. Aletheia

    50kgs?!!!! That’s one whole ME !!! (I’ve lost 5 from 55kg in the last few months… Not good). Too much stress brought on by taking on too much at the same time with the odd sociopath and bully thrown in… That proverbial pound of flesh people want off you? -turns out it’s 5 kg in my case. Maybe you should get a sociopath as a weight loss plan. Works for me. ;)

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