The continuing story of a Fat Man, gone to the bush

The Road to Mangatepopo

I am in the final lead up to the my first “hike” in at least a decade, and about 50 kg.  Some of my misgivings from the previous posts have abated.  Yesterday I took the pack out for another walk, this time 4 km, and it went pretty well.  The only moment of concern was during an attempt to scratch my ass, which I couldn’t reach because the pack was in the way, and twinged my knee in the effort for a good scratch.  So I will need to develop a good ass-scratch strategy for the future.  I am not sure my walking companion for this weekend would appreciate me asking.  As it is she is going to have to put up with my grumbling, complaining, moaning, burping and farting for the duration (then snoring in the evening).  So if I thew a casual “Hey!  Can you scratch my butt?” it would go down like a cup of cold sick.

Today I took the pack to work with me, which also wasn’t so bad – I even walked up the stairs with it.  I got a number of hilarious jokes from various work mates.  But I will have to endure more ridicule and worse before all this is over (and that is just from me – I’m brutal with myself).  I will walk with the pack all this week, hopefully that is enough to accustom myself to the weight and feel of the pack.

Listen to me, it’s like I am planning to climb Everest or something!

It has been snowing at Tongariro National Park today.  Hopefully it will clear by Friday.  I am willing to walk in the rain, but I draw the line at snow (and I don’t have the equipment for it).  My sister reported today that the track was apparently quite muddy a few weeks back (according to her husband, who heard it from someone else . . . ).  Hopefully it isn’t too bad.  Mud is ok.  Slipping down a gully isn’t.

So an update on The Plan™

At the beginning of week 10 I have racked up a total of 167.1 km in 39 hours and 58 minutes.  Running at an efficacy rate of 96% – but that is more because last week was so bad (I blame injury, but there was a bit of complacency and “I don’t wanna do it” mixed in too).

I’m still buying the odd bit of equipment.  I have a head-light coming and also a USB phone charger battery thing, to charge my Fitbit so that I can track the hike . . . I like tracking things.  It makes me happy.


1 Comment

  1. Aletheia

    Awwww… I’d scratch your ass for you if you couldn’t reach it… What are friends for after all? I’d draw the line at tolerating your snoring though! Sleep deprivation is an awful thing!! ;)

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