There is just under a week until the Mangatepopo walk, and it is really starting to loom large in my psyche. I am getting all the equipment I need sorted out.  I have the pack back from getting more strap put in the waist band.  And, just because it is me, they managed to put the join right where I would have the buckles set, which does my head in because wouldn’t that mean that they would have fit before I added more on?  I don’t get it.  Anyway, I have to have the waist band just a bit too tight, but it is ok.

This morning I packed up my pack with what I am planning on taking next weekend.  I had to buy a couple more dry bags for clothes and the sleeping bag (the other one was way too small).  I tried out my sleeping bag too to ensure I still fit in it – I do (phew) but would be a bit uncomfortable if I tried to get my arms in it as well.

My order from Cabelas in the States (the only source I have found for outdoor’s clothing that fits me) arrived today as well, which has my waterproof pants, and they FIT!!  Yay!!  The belt I got for it didn’t (just just just too small), so will have to sort something else out to make sure they stay on if (when) I need to use them next weekend.

So I packed up my pack full, including water and it weighs just under 13 kg.

Then I went for a walk in it.  Bugger I had forgotten how difficult it is to walk with a pack on like that.  I only did 2 km but it was a strain, especially the up hills.  Next week’s walk is going to be harder than I was anticipating – and it is supposed to be an easy walk!  I fear it is too soon in my preparation cycle.  But then it might be good to kick myself into working harder.

I was feeling it in my knees, even on that little walk :-(  Big concerns.  I’m kind of glad I am not doing this one alone.  At least if I crap out, my companion can go for help.