The continuing story of a Fat Man, gone to the bush

Owwieee . . . Injury

I’m not really sure what is up but my right knee appears to be injured.  It is all sore and inflamed like I twisted it somehow, but I can’t for the life of me think of when or what I did.  It just started hurting when I stood up from dinner last Friday night.  I blame stairs.  That was the only thing I did on Friday that could have resulted in this.

Maybe I aggravated an old injury . . . or maybe I am just old.

Anyway, my knee has been bothersome since.  Not really painful, but swollen and achy, but controllable by voltaren and paracetemol.  But I haven’t done a walk since.  So The Plan™ hasn’t been followed for a few days.  I am walking today, despite the pain, because I can’t afford to stop, I know myself well enough to recognise the danger signs leading to a Quit.  I still have the Mangatepopo walk coming up in 10 days, so can’t afford to fall behind on preparations.  But I will find out tonight if it

I have started buying and preparing equipment for the Mangatepopo walk.  I got my pack waist band . . . ahem . . . adjusted.  I didn’t know this, but apparently, overtime, the waist band on packs shrinks!!  And you need to get more sewn on to make them fit over your belly again.  Crazy I know, but there you have it.  10 years ago it fit around my waist and now it doesn’t, so it must have shrunk.  I also bought a waterproof pack liner, pack cover, and a waterproof stuff bag for my sleeping bag.

I think it is going to rain on me.  It ALWAYS rains when I hike.

I need to get some more equipment.  I want a rescue beacon, although don’t really need it for this walk as I won’t be alone.  And I want a charging thing for my Fitbit so I can track my walk.  Oh, and a headlamp and other stuff.

Best thing about hiking is the equipment :-)


  1. Aletheia

    I wondered if you were doing any hiking over the weekend. Hope your knee heels okay. Does wearing a knee brace help at all?

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      I don’t have a knee brace, but have been researching and identified one I want to try, just won’t be able to order it in before next weekend.

  2. Aletheia

    …it always rains when you go hiking huh? Sounds like you’re getting good practice in for a walking holiday in Britain … ;)

    • Jordan Setters
      Jordan Setters

      Ha! I see your sad Britian rain and raise you one New Zealand summer.

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