The continuing story of a Fat Man, gone to the bush

Yay Me!!

I am particularly happy with myself today.  It has been a good week as far as The Plan™ goes.  Not only did I manage to get in all my walks this week (on the revised expectation of 5 walks a week), but I also far surpassed the planned distance for the week, and got in two walks of 10 km+.

The Hutt River North Bank looking east

The Hutt River North Bank looking east

I just returned for the second of those 10 km walks, the same loop on the Hutt River as on Sunday, although this time I did it slightly quicker, and took fewer rests.

The Hutt River South Bank looking east

The Hutt River South Bank looking east

All up I am feeling stoked.  I feel stronger and fitter and reckon I look thinner in the mirror.  So it appears I am suffering from a rare bout of optimism.

It won’t last (that’s more like me).

I even made a couple of healthy food choices this week.  Impressed?

So an update for the end of Week 7 (which is a “4 km a day carrying a 2 kg load” week):  In total I’ve walked 129.4 km in 31 hours and 11 minutes.  I now have an efficacy rate of 104% :-) This week alone I did 34.29 km  which is 171% of the weeks plan.  Long may it continue.


1 Comment

  1. Aletheia

    Yay you!!! :)

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