Back in March 2015 . . . on the 21st I think, it got into my head that I should hike the Milford Track.  I am not sure where the idea came from anymore.  I know that I had been thinking about my general physical conditions and how it was limiting my ability to experience life as I wanted.  I had also been hosting a number of couchsurfers at our place, and they were always young, fit, and seeing more of NZ than I am.

So I looked a bit into the Track and realised that I should be able to do that.  I wanted to do it – call it a bucket list item I suppose.  Ever since my childhood, when I first heard of the Milford Track I have thought that it would be an amazing accomplishment, but most likely not something I could do (I was a fat kid as well).

So I made a resolution right then that I would . . . try (screw you Yoda, there is such a thing).  I hate failure, although very well aquainted with it, so I don’t want to set myself up for another one.  Therefore my approach is quite cautious.  I came up with a 20 week program of daily walks, steadily increasing in length and load carried.  Starting with a plan of walking 2 km a day for a week, then 3 km a day for a week  – progressing up to 4 km for a couple of weeks.  Then starting to carry a backpack with weights, increasing each week by 1 kg till I am walking 4km a day with 15kg.  Then increase the distance again upto 6 km a day carrying 15kg.

During those 20 weeks I will do a mini-hike some weekends, to get accustom to walking on unpaved terrain, up and down hills etc.  At the end of the 20 weeks I will make a go/no-go commitment to the Milford Track.  This in the form of actually booking and paying for the trip (and surrounding travel and accomodation).

So.  Here I am, now on week 6 of that program.  I have walked a total of 80 km in 20 hours and 32 minutes. I am running at about 60% effective (i.e. walked about 60% of the planned total distance), including two mini-hikes.  Both of which have been fun, harrowing, and challenging.  I will post on each seperately.  Overall I feel like my fitness and stamina is gradually improving.  I’ve bought myself a new pair of hiking boots (because a outdoors store was having a closing down sale and they were 60% off), which I am breaking in.  And I have even bought myself a Fitbit™ Surge to help me be motivated to move, and to log the various walks and hikes.

And feeling confident enough to start this Blog.  I am generally keeping this whole thing on the down-low.  I’ve not told many people about it (2 or 3 I think), no family members.  I don’t want my impending failure to known by them.  Or worse!  Any of them want to do it with me.  Jordan doesn’t walk with others (story for another post).