Yesterday while walking back from an across town meeting I spied a pop-up Annual Sale store for the adventure clothing manufacturer Earth Sea Sky.  As I was feeling in a modicum of an oppimistic mood I thought I would pop in and see if they had anything my size – they didn’t.  But that’s not thier fault.  No one ever does.

I got talking to the very helpful lady in there (who turns out is the Operations Manager of Earth Sea Sky) and explained my quest for the Milford Track, and my current hunger games with my body, and how it is difficult to get out and active when you can’t buy clothing that supports that.  To cut a long story short she said that she could get thier designer to make some shirts up for me! On the condition that I continue with going on the Milford Track, and losing weight. So she took my measurement, we discussed size, fit, and colours and once she returns to Christchurch she’ll get back to me with details like cost and so forth.

This is great, they make great clothing and i’ve always wanted to be able to buy and fit some (one of the reasons I went into the store was for inspiration and motivation to keep getting smaller) so i’m really stoked.  And hopefully these will hold me over until I am skinny enough to fit thier standard range.

Maybe I will inspire them to make a permanent range for the fat man – a OneFatHiker range :-)

Otherwise this week is going well, better than well actually.  The diet is holding up well.  I am hungry most all the time, but am getting used to the feeling.  My activity levels have been pretty high.  I have been making sure I hit the 10000 step goal every day.  I have set my fitbit alarm (it vibrates rather than dings so it doesn’t bother anyone) to remind me to get up and walk every hour.  So i’ve been doing 2 laps of the block around work (sometimes 2 blocks) and feeling pretty great for it.  And i’ve stuck to The Plan™ well this week.  I can’t believe that I am nearly at the end of Week 15 of the plan.  That means that in 5 weeks time I have to make a go/no go decision on the Milford Track, and book it.  Once i’ve done that there is no turning back.

I have been harbouring a hope that it will sell out before then, but I looked the other day and there are still plenty of spaces.  It still frightens me to look at the track maps and think that I will have to do that.  But I am confident that if I stick to what I am currently doing I will be in good condition to do that walk.

Resting Heart RateAnother thing my Fitbit does is monitor and track my resting heart rate.  And that has steadily come down over the past month – from 73 bpm to 61 bpm.  I take this as a good sign that I am getting fitter – rather than a sign my heart is about to give out . . .

I also went for a swim this week on Monday.  Man swimming is hard.  I meant to go back again later this week, but haven’t yet.  Too hard to leave the house once I get home.  Something to work on I suppose.